Walnut City Lanes is considered a premiere bowling alley for more than just fun with the family. Local and Regional tournaments consider Walnut City Lanes a standard stop on their tours. Top-tier bowlers come from as far away as California, Washington and further to compete in big-name tournaments. They look forward eagerly to compete here because of the superior quality of the lane condition and maintenance.
Currently we have tournaments on our schedule with:
- RTB-NW (Revolutionary Bowling Tournaments)
- The Northwest Senior Pro Tour
- Bowling By Invitation
- West Valley USBC
- Walnut City Lanes ("House" Tournaments)
and more tournaments are scheduling all the time.
What is a "House" tournament?
Because of the high demand for quality tournaments by competitive players, bowling centers like Walnut City Lanes produce and stage tournaments themselves. The prize funds are generated from the entry fees but also it is common for additional monies to be added by the bowling center. These bowling center sponsored and run tournaments are known as "House" tournaments - and they are always fun!
To learn more about competing in a tournament here or to schedule your tournament with us, contact the bowling center! We do our best to keep updated with the latest tournament schedule flyers here and can assist in connecting you to the tournament directors and staff - whether you want to watch or compete!